Join Us in Worship, Praise, Study and Fellowship

Image of Open Bible
10:00 AMSunday School
The Sunday School hour offers classes for all ages and special discussion and elective classes for adults. Sunday School builds Christian character, increases Bible knowledge, and strengthens family ties and fellowship.

11:00 AMMorning Worship

We offer a blend of worship styles with a focus on praise and positive Bible teaching. Each worship service features singing, scripture reading, times of prayer, special music, and a Bible-based message offering instruction and guidance from God's Word. The worship hour builds a deeper relationship to God and enables us to express our love for all that He has done for us through Jesus Christ.

We observe communion on the first Sunday of each month.

6:00 PMMissionary Meeting
On the fourth Sunday night of each month we enjoy a special missionary lesson taught by our Missionary President. These lessons are interactive, and are both informative and enjoyable. We're part of a large missionary sending organization with more than 700 missionaries in 166 world areas, and we like to keep up with what God is doing in our world.

6:00 PMSpecial Video Showings
On the first Sunday evening of each month we enjoy videos from a Bible-centered learning program designed to teach us more about our relationship to Christ. We have examined "OUR AMERICAN HERITAGE," taken a "DRIVE THROUGH HISTORY", gone on an extended visit to THE HOLY LAND, viewed a classic series of "SERMONS FROM SCIENCE", and much more. These video lessons have expanded our awareness in many areas and have served to strengthen our faith and make us better Chrisians.